Friday, July 8, 2016

22h #22kills

Today, they ruled the drowning of a Navy SEAL during swim-training as murder. As we train our elite assassins, it's important to remember that each life is infinitely valuable and even the deadliest among us can still be held accountable for their actions. War should not be our main export.…/death-of-navy-seal-trainee-ruled-hom…/

An 'evil' woman, named Kimberly Long, challenged me to expose the fact that, on average, 22 U.S. Veterans commit suicide each day.

"22 Kill Challenge", which is designed to bring awareness to the unacceptable fact that 22 veterans a day are lost to suicide. Several have noted that this number seems very high, and it is. The 22 comes from a 2013 VA study on suicide rates among veterans- ranging in age from 22 to 60.

The Veterans Crisis Line is a great resource to help prevent suicides of our military people, 1-800-273-8255, press 1! If and when you choose to accept this challenge, post a video of 22 push-ups a day and nominate someone each day for 22 days. ‪#22Kill

I therefore nominate my seventh "KILL" to be Garett Donnelly, because I know he has the skills to spread the word.

22g #22kills

In Dallas tonight Cops are being killed by snipers. Two black men were killed on video by cops, apparently for expressing their 2nd Amendment rights while being black. We are reaping the rewards of what we sew. I suggest you do something about it. Don't run and hide. Confront the situation. Dialog, debate. protest or sing, but don't hide, that's what cowards do.

An 'evil' woman, named Kimberly Long, challenged me to expose the fact that, on average, 22 U.S. Veterans commit suicide each day.

"22 Kill Challenge", which is designed to bring awareness to the unacceptable fact that 22 veterans a day are lost to suicide. Several have noted that this number seems very high, and it is. The 22 comes from a 2013 VA study on suicide rates among veterans- ranging in age from 22 to 60.

The Veterans Crisis Line is a great resource to help prevent suicides of our military people, 1-800-273-8255, press 1! If and when you choose to accept this challenge, post a video of 22 push-ups a day and nominate someone each day for 22 days. ‪#22Kill

I therefore nominate my eighth "KILL" to be Jess Durfee, because I know he has the connections to spread the word, and wants justice for everyone.

22f #22kills

Happy Fireworks Day. An 'evil' woman, named Kimberly Long, challenged me to expose the fact that, on average, 22 U.S. Veterans commit suicide each day.

"22 Kill Challenge", which is designed to bring awareness to the unacceptable fact that 22 veterans a day are lost to suicide. Several have noted that this number seems very high, and it is. The 22 comes from a 2013 VA study on suicide rates among veterans- ranging in age from 22 to 60.

The Veterans Crisis Line is a great resource to help prevent suicides of our military people, 1-800-273-8255, press 1! If and when you choose to accept this challenge, post a video of 22 push-ups a day and nominate someone each day for 22 days. ‪#22Kill

I therefore nominate my fifth "KILL" to be Keith Russell, because I know he has the skills to spread the word, and he can nominate my other brother.

@HortonPlazaPark ‪#PatrioticPark

22e #22kills

 An 'evil' woman, named Kimberly Long, challenged me to expose the fact that, on average, 22 U.S. Veterans commit suicide each day.

"22 Kill Challenge", which is designed to bring awareness to the unacceptable fact that 22 veterans a day are lost to suicide. Several have noted that this number seems very high, and it is. The 22 comes from a 2013 VA study on suicide rates among veterans- ranging in age from 22 to 60.

The Veterans Crisis Line is a great resource to help prevent suicides of our military people, 1-800-273-8255, press 1! If and when you choose to accept this challenge, post a video of 22 push-ups a day and nominate someone each day for 22 days. ‪#22Kill

I therefore nominate my fourth "KILL" to be John Kerr, because I know he has the skills to spread the word.

22d #22kills

Happy Fireworks Day. An 'evil' woman, named Kimberly Long, challenged me to expose the fact that, on average, 22 U.S. Veterans commit suicide each day.

"22 Kill Challenge", which is designed to bring awareness to the unacceptable fact that 22 veterans a day are lost to suicide. Several have noted that this number seems very high, and it is. The 22 comes from a 2013 VA study on suicide rates among veterans- ranging in age from 22 to 60.

The Veterans Crisis Line is a great resource to help prevent suicides of our military people, 1-800-273-8255, press 1! If and when you choose to accept this challenge, post a video of 22 push-ups a day and nominate someone each day for 22 days. ‪#22Kill

I therefore nominate my fourth "KILL" to be Kali Katt, because I know she has the skills to spread the word, and she wants to expose the true costs of war.

22c #22kills

There are many soldiers coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan today, and they are here with civilians celebrating Independence Day, only it's not the same for them as for most. We shoot off some fire-crackers, they twinge and flash-back. We eat some over cooked hot-dogs, they think of burning flesh.

An 'evil' woman, named Kimberly Long, challenged me to expose the fact that, on average, 22 U.S. Veterans commit suicide each day.

"22 Kill Challenge", which is designed to bring awareness to the unacceptable fact that 22 veterans a day are lost to suicide. Several have noted that this number seems very high, and it is. The 22 comes from a 2013 VA study on suicide rates among veterans- ranging in age from 22 to 60.

The Veterans Crisis Line is a great resource to help prevent suicides of our military people, 1-800-273-8255, press 1! If and when you choose to accept this challenge, post a video of 22 push-ups a day and nominate someone each day for 22 days. ‪#22Kill

I therefore nominate my third "KILL" to be Michael Hanes . Because, I know he understands government inspired violence.

22-c (video attached taken Apple Photo Booth)

22b #22kills

An 'evil' woman, named Kimberly Long, challenged me to expose the fact that, on average, 22 U.S. Veterans commit suicide each day.

This morning, I heard about a new book on NPR. It is called "Washington's Immortals: The Untold Story of an Elite Regiment Who Changed the Course of the Revolution". They say 400 men from Maryland saved the Revolutionary Army in 1776, and acted as as a suicide squad for General Washington throughout the war.

In America we glorify war, celebrate our dead warriors, and give them holidays when they die for the cause de jour. What is it that makes death in battle more valuable than suicide at home?

"22 Kill Challenge", which is designed to bring awareness to the unacceptable fact that 22 veterans a day are lost to suicide. Several have noted that this number seems very high, and it is. The 22 comes from a 2013 VA study on suicide rates among veterans- ranging in age from 22 to 60.

The Veterans Crisis Line is a great resource to help prevent suicides of our military people, 1-800-273-8255, press 1! If and when you choose to accept this challenge, post a video of 22 push-ups a day and nominate someone each day for 22 days. ‪#‎22Kill‬

I therefore nominate my second"KILL" to be Mike Paster . Because I know he'd never support government inspired violence, even if it was a rebel alliance fighting an Empire Kingdom, for "Honor, Fortune, & Family".

22-b (video attached taken with Amazon Fire)

22a #22kills

An 'evil' woman, named Kimberly Long, challenged me to expose the fact that, on average, 22 U.S. Veterans commit suicide each day.

"22 Kill Challenge", which is designed to bring awareness to the unacceptable fact that 22 veterans a day are lost to suicide. Several have noted that this number seems very high, and it is. The 22 comes from a 2013 VA study on suicide rates among veterans- ranging in age from 22 to 60.

The Veterans Crisis Line is a great resource to help prevent suicides of our military people, 1-800-273-8255, press 1! If and when you choose to accept this challenge, post a video of 22 push-ups a day and nominate someone each day for 22 days. ‪#22Kill

When someone good, who also happens to be the wife of my football buddy, Brett "Viking" Ullman, throws down such a challenge, knowing full well the risks and the consequences, I must accept, even if it kills me.
I therefore nominate my first "KILL" to be JP Gonzales. Because I know he's against all government violence, may he rest in peaces.

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

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